A Letter from the CEO on Rural Roadmap Report

When we set out to conduct this field scan of best practices in rural mobility from across the country, we didn’t have to start from scratch. The Smart Growth America team was able to reach out to many communities, old friends, and partners we have worked with in the past. In fact, thanks to our longstanding history of working in rural communities, more of SGA’s work has taken place in smaller communities than anywhere else.

From delivering a housing affordability workshop in Sitka, Alaska, to creating a redevelopment plan for an economically vibrant future in Erwin, Tennessee, to supporting the return of passenger rail through many small towns along the Gulf Coast, we’ve worked alongside rural communities to identify what makes them special, to double down and develop around what makes them unique, and to invest in their thriving future.

Through the many workshops we’ve led and the great partnerships we’ve forged, we’ve learned that problems that rural communities face are often the same in context yet different in scope from the issues experienced in larger, more urban communities. We’ve also learned that there’s no one type of rural community. That’s why, through this report, we’ve identified seven common typologies that help to identify and describe the many differences and similarities across the diversity of rural communities, with many communities exhibiting more than one typology. We also address some of the most common myths we’ve heard regarding rural communities, among the most prominent being that there’s no demographic diversity when it comes to rural places, discounting the rich but distinct communities across the US.

By dispelling misconceptions about the identities and experiences of rural communities and through case studies of the strategies that a range of rural communities have used to build healthy, stable, and thriving places, we hope to inspire decision makers to not only better understand the rural context, but effectively invest in tailored solutions that help these dynamic communities reach their potential.

At Smart Growth America, we envision a country where no matter where you live, or who you are, you can enjoy living in a place that is healthy, prosperous, and resilient—and that vision includes rural communities. To achieve this vision, communities big and small should prioritize active transportation and location-efficient land-use practices—and we hope that the tools included in this Roadmap can be a good place to start.

Calvin Gladney
President and CEO
Smart Growth America




Read the report


Rural Development