Amendments we’re tracking to the House transportation bill

The INVEST Act could be a turning point for the federal transportation program, almost hitting the mark on our principles for transportation investment. But a few key amendments could make—or break—the bill. Stay up to date here.

So far more than 200 amendments have been proposed. Bookmark this page, as we’ll be posting updates to the most notable amendments that we are tracking closely. Smart Growth America is fighting for four amendments in particular to be included in the final bill, which can be found in the tracker:

  1. Garcia #63: An amendment that strengthens the fix-it-first provision of the bill; (Approved by unanimous consent, read more here.)
  2. Garcia #64: An amendment that increases transit funding to the same level as highways; (Withdrawn)
  3. Garcia #65: An amendment that sheds some light on a misguided transportation metric, level of service; (Withdrawn)
  4. Cohen #91: And an amendment that expands the eligibility for transit-oriented development in the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act. (Withdrawn)


Find this table on the web here in case it does not display well below. The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will start consideration of this bill via a (remote) markup on Wednesday, June 17th at 10:00 a.m. Eastern. We expect the committee to take at least a day if not more to mark up the bill before they move to a final vote to advance it to the full House. We’ll be keeping this tracker updated as the markup proceeds, but stay tuned especially to @t4america on twitter for more real-time updates.

Take action

For those of you that live in a House transportation district, send a message to your rep and urge them to support the INVEST Act and to support these four amendments. If you’re not sure if your rep is on the committee, just go on over to take action and the form will let you know.



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