Introducing Urbanful: A new way to celebrate the best of our communities

introducing-urbanful A view of Canton Ally, in Seattle, Washington. Photo via Stick Lab

At Smart Growth America, we work to make neighborhoods great, provide a range of housing choices, support thriving businesses, and create more options for how we get around. Now, we’re launching a new project to celebrate the result of all that hard work – the fun, vibrant side of the places you live – Urbanful.

Urbanful is a destination for celebrating life and America’s evolving cities and towns. Part magazine, part marketplace, it’s all about the people, organizations, and businesses making our communities great. Watching movies in the park, finding any kind of food at any time of night and hearing different languages walking down the street. These are the things that make every place special – and it’s what Urbanful is all about.

Urbanful brings you the scoop on what’s happening today in the cities of tomorrow and the goods that get you there. You can expect stories that highlight innovation in design, technology, culture, transportation and all the great things happening in the places we live. It’ll also be shining a spotlight on the innovators that are really changing our communities and making them fantastic places to live, work and play.

Beyond that, Urbanful is constantly seeking out the businesses offering innovative products and services that can make your life more fun, flexible and convenient. Along with curating the best stuff, every dollar you spend will go to support Smart Growth America so we can continue making neighborhoods great together.

Urbanful is very much still a work in progress, and we’re eager for your feedback – the good, the bad, and the downright honest. If there’s anything you want to share, you can reach the Urbanful staff at info [at]

You can find them on and follow along on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram and subscribe to their RSS feed and daily email.
