Join Smart Growth America for two events during the National Brownfields Conference

Brownfields conference banner

The National Brownfields Conference is the largest event in the country that focuses on environmental revitalization and economic redevelopment of contaminated land. This year’s conference will be held May 15-17, 2013 in Atlanta, GA, and Smart Growth America is hosting two events for conference participants.

Healthfields: Transforming polluted parcels into resources for revitalization
Communities across the country are turning contaminated land into health care centers, parks, grocery stores, and community gardens. These “healthfields” support stronger people, stronger communities, and stronger economies.

National Brownfields Conference attendees involved in creating healthfields are invited to join a pre-conference meeting to learn about strategies and discuss common challenges in creating healthfields. Featured speakers will include people from communities that have worked through the redevelopment process, along with those fields of environmental justice, brownfields reuse, health care, and sustainable development.

The event will be held Wednesday, May 15, 2013 from 12:00-3:00 PM in Atlanta, walking distance from the Georgia World Conference Center. To attend, RSVP to Elizabeth Schilling by Wednesday, May 1, 2013.

Heard on the Hill: National Brownfields Coalition breakfast
Join Smart Growth America’s National Brownfields Coalition for a breakfast meeting that will be part schmooze and part news. Meet with movers and shakers working on federal brownfields issues, and learn about the brownfields issues currently in Congress including the BUILD Act, the Remediation Tax Expensing program and federal brownfields appropriations.

The breakfast will be held on Friday, May 17, 2013 at 7:15 AM. Location information will be sent to attendees. Click here to register:

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Conference registration is required to attend either of these events. If you are not registered for the conference but would like to, visit the conference website.

We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!
