DOT, HUD Give State and Local Agencies More Flexibility on FHWA Projects

In an effort to enhance livability and sustainability initiatives, DOT and HUD have created a new process that removes conflict between HUD and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) contracting requirements. The initiative was published in today’s Federal Register. From the Federal Register notice… Under this initiative, the FHWA will utilize Special Experimental Project No. 14 (SEP-14) to permit, on … Continued


Webinar: TIGER II Discretionary Grants and HUD Community Challenge Planning Grants

Webinar: National Infrastructure Investments (TIGER II Discretionary Grants) and Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Challenge Planning Grants Date/Time:  Thursday, July 1 at 2:00pm EDT The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and HUD have issued a joint solicitation for the two planning grant programs in order to better align transportation, housing, economic development, … Continued


Webinar: Sustainable Communities Grant Program

Sustainable Communities Grant Program: Opportunities for Public Health Leadership and Healthy Community Design Date/Time: Wednesday, July 7, 1:00 – 2:30pm EDT Speakers will include: Rajiv Bhatia, Director of Occupational and Environmental Health, San Francisco Department of Public Health Karen Nikolai, Hennepin County (Minn.) Community Design Liaison Dwayne Marsh, Senior Advisor, HUD Office of Sustainable Housing … Continued


Webinar: Sustainable Communities Grant Program

Webinar: Sustainable Communities Grant Program: Making Equity in Housing, Transportation, and Jobs the Heart of Your Region’s Application Date/Time:  Wednesday, June 30, 3:00 — 5:00pm EDT Speakers will include: Maria Zimmerman, Deputy Director, HUD Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities Kalima Rose, Director, PolicyLink Center for Infrastructure Equity Vu Bang Nguyen, Land Use Coordinator, Urban … Continued


BREAKING: Cabinet officials affirm committment to smart growth and livability at national conference

A few of the record-breaking 1,700 attendees at the New Partners for Smart Growth conference in Seattle might have been pinching themselves on Thursday night after hearing three of President Obama’s cabinet secretaries emphasize the importance of smart growth, sustainability and livability as core goals shaping the work of their three massive federal agencies. Demonstrating the Obama Administration’s commitment to making neighborhoods more livable, sustainable and affordable, Secretaries Ray Lahood and Shaun Donovan of the Department of Transportation and the Department of Housing and Urban Development came to Seattle to discuss their plans to use their giant agencies’ budgets and programs in unison to help American families in rural, suburban and urban communities have better options for affordable housing and getting where they need to go each day.


President Obama’s FY 2011 Budget Will Help Create Jobs, Cut Transportation Costs for Families, and Improve Access to Affordable Housing

President Obama’s budget for the 2011 fiscal year, released this morning, contains more than $1 billion in programs and grants that will help create and support livable, sustainable communities and neighborhoods across the country. “This is good news for anyone looking to cut their transportation costs, find an affordable home in a walkable neighborhood, or live in a community with a multitude of transportation options,” said SGA President Geoff Anderson.


EPA joins inter-agency effort to support livable communities and smarter growth

There’s some exciting news out of Washington, DC to report this morning, where US EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson announced in Senate testimony this morning that EPA is joining with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Transportation (USDOT) in a special partnership to work together to promote smart growth and more livable, sustainable communities across America.
